Sunday, November 27, 2011


For Lucas' 7th state, he got to visit Hawaii for Thanksgiving with grandparents, great grandparents and Uncle Brian and Aunt Jen. We had an awesome time! Lucas did a little shopping, surfing and site seeing. Unfortunately his belly was feeling a little bad while we were there and he got a little congested before we came home, but that didn't stop his good mood! He learned to make some additional sounds (thanks Great Grandma!) and he is doing an awful lot of talking after we got home today. He was an excellent traveler for a couple of really long flights and a good long road trip to Hana. This was Lucas' first time in the pool and he enjoyed kicking around like he does in the bathtub and making friends with some girls in the kiddie pool. We did some good work on rolling over and sitting up as well. We're still feeling a little crummy but just went to bed and hopefully will wake up feeling better!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

5 Months

Lucas is 5 months old today! It is amazing how time flies. Also how much better he can sit up in Papa's rocking chair by himself than he could at 4 months. Lucas has continued to love his pears, but did not take so much to the peas we tried. We'll have to explore some different vegetables. At 5 months we are supposed to start having 2-3 fruits and veggies a day and starting to drink out of a sippy cup. We should be rolling over any day now but haven't quite mastered that yet.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Dad is enjoying his new skills with photo shop to put us in a jungle with all of our jungle toys. Lucas will be turning 5 months tomorrow :) I will get up a new picture for that occasion. He's had another check up at the doctor's for his ear infection at which he weighed 16 lbs. 12 ounces. There was still fluid in his ear but it is clearing up and his eyes have been getting better. He started eating pears on Sunday, which he loves! We tried some peas last night and were not quite as excited with those. We continue to grow and are doing very well!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

The good news is that I am the cutest shark ever. The bad news is that I have my first ear and eye infection :( We went to the doctor yesterday because Lucas' eyes had been puffy and crustier than usual for the past few days and found out he has an infection that has been going around at daycares. He has some antibiotics and had to stay home from school yesterday and today. Assuming he is feeling well, he will go back tomorrow. Besides being a tad fussier than usual, he doesn't act like he feels bad. But unfortunately that means no one but Mom and Dad got to see his shark outfit in person.