Sunday, November 27, 2011


For Lucas' 7th state, he got to visit Hawaii for Thanksgiving with grandparents, great grandparents and Uncle Brian and Aunt Jen. We had an awesome time! Lucas did a little shopping, surfing and site seeing. Unfortunately his belly was feeling a little bad while we were there and he got a little congested before we came home, but that didn't stop his good mood! He learned to make some additional sounds (thanks Great Grandma!) and he is doing an awful lot of talking after we got home today. He was an excellent traveler for a couple of really long flights and a good long road trip to Hana. This was Lucas' first time in the pool and he enjoyed kicking around like he does in the bathtub and making friends with some girls in the kiddie pool. We did some good work on rolling over and sitting up as well. We're still feeling a little crummy but just went to bed and hopefully will wake up feeling better!

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