Sunday, December 11, 2011


Lucas had a visit from Santa at his school. His teachers said he cried the whole time - you can tell he was just crying in this picture. We probably won't do Santa again this year :)

Lucas has some really cute Christmas outfits from his Grandma that we have been wearing and are wearing one to church this morning. We would have worn our Baylor outfit (go RGIII!) but it has short sleeves and it has gotten too cold out here for short sleeves.

Yesterday, Lucas was kind enough to donate some of his outgrown items to our adopted family for Christmas. They have a 2 month old little boy, so Lucas gave them his jungle gym, lamb chair and some outgrown clothes - as well as some new clothes and lots of fun other gifts for the older kids. Mom & Dad look forward to continuing this tradition with Lucas as he gets older.

Merry Christmas!!

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